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Zoom Case decoration | 70cm | Yayoi doll | Removable glass doll | Two-person doll decoration | Modern Hina dolls Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls
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Zoom ケース飾り|70cm|弥生(やよい)雛|お雛様 出し入れできる便利なガラス飾り|おしゃれな雛人形|二人雛飾り Product vendor
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Zoom ケース飾り|70cm|弥生(やよい)雛|お雛様 出し入れできる便利なガラス飾り|おしゃれな雛人形|二人雛飾り Product vendor
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Case decoration | 70cm | Yayoi doll | Removable glass doll | Two-person doll decoration | Modern Hina dolls Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls



● A gorgeous and detailed princess. A prince in noble colors. This is a display case that allows you to take the dolls out of the case and enjoy them.

飾ったサイズ:Width 70cm x Depth 40cm x Height 41cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring

詳しい説明を見る  クリック →

Convenient! A glass-decorated Hina doll that can be taken out of the case. Hina doll decoration [Hina doll Yayoi Hina]

A glass ornamented Hina doll that brings out the gorgeous beauty of Yayoi Hina dolls.

The beautiful craftsmanship adds a soothing smile to the elegant space. The elegant texture and convenient case make it easy to take out and put away the dolls. The joy of taking out the dolls and the comfort of being able to spend time in them forever. Please enjoy your Hinamatsuri decorations.

The prince's costume is made of black silk, a color that represents nobility, and is decorated with a floral pattern in gold thread. The black silk is woven to bring out the patterns. Like the sparkle that colors the dolls, the costume has a beautiful luster that brings out the prince's luster, creating a Hina doll with a gorgeous appearance.

The princess's kimono was selected from thousands of different kinds of red silk fabrics, and we were particular about making it chic, calm, and gorgeous. The gorgeous pattern is meticulously hand-stitched, and it is made with Kume craftsmanship that is worthy of the outfit. The princess's kimono is also a high-quality kimono cultivated from a long and deep history that continues to captivate the heart.

Case decoration | 70cm | Yayoi doll | Removable glass doll | Two-person doll decoration | Modern Hina dolls Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls



Cat repellent! Hina dolls that can be handled and stored in a glass case! [Yayoi Hina]

We were particular about creating a kimono that was chic, calm, and yet gorgeous. Princess kimonos are high-quality kimonos cultivated from a long and deep history that continues to captivate the heart.

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Hina dolls in a convenient glass case

Hina dolls decoration in case

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls and crow decorations

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Convenient! A glass-decorated Hina doll that can be taken out of the case. Hina doll decoration [Hina doll Yayoi Hina]

The beautiful craftsmanship adds a soothing smile to the elegant space. The elegant texture and convenient case make it easy to take out and put away the dolls. The joy of taking out the dolls and the comfort of being able to spend time in them forever. Please enjoy your Hinamatsuri decorations.

Lord with case

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Convenient! A glass-decorated Hina doll that can be taken out of the case. Hina doll decoration [Hina doll Yayoi Hina]

Top > List of Hina Dolls


雛人形 ケース飾り 一覧から探す



猫がいるため、ケース飾りのお雛様に:千葉県船橋市の柚花ちゃん:雛人形と雛祭り ...






おしゃれな雛人形 一覧から探す

美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

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最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




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Hina dolls Catalog request Hinamatsuri dolls




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