Case decoration | 70cm | Airi doll | Expensive | Glass case with prince and princess decoration | Modern Hina dolls | Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls
● Hinamatsuri decorations with a gorgeous and elegant design. Purple is still highly valued as a special color that radiates refined luxury.
飾ったサイズ:Width 70cm x Depth 40cm x Height 41cm
収納時サイズ:Width?cm x Depth?cm x Height?cm
着物の素材 : pure silk
雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
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Any of the expensive Hina dolls and prince and princess ornaments can be displayed in a glass case! [Ohinasama Airi Hina]
Airi Hina dolls were created to give the dolls a gorgeous look. Housed in a glass case that contains carefully cared for expensive Hina dolls, the beautiful work is overwhelming. Carefully crafted down to the smallest detail, the gorgeous and elegant design is sure to captivate viewers.
In the past, it was not possible to dye something purple. This is probably where the fact that purple is still considered a color that represents "nobility" and "spiritual dignity" comes from. Due to this historical origin, purple is still highly valued as a special color that radiates elegance and luxury. The glass case brings out the purple's luster and noble presence, giving this piece of jewelry a gorgeous shine.
Most Hina dolls in glass cases are attached inside the case and cannot be removed, but Hinasei's glass Hina dolls can be removed and held in your hands. The easy-to-hold design allows you to enjoy your Hina dolls in a variety of situations.
We created a gorgeous Hina doll with modern colors in a traditional setting with Tachibana on the right and Sakura on the left. Airi Hina is a unique work of art born from refined expression and traditional techniques, and is a Hina doll for spending luxurious time, created by outstanding craftsmanship and faithful reproduction.
Case decoration | 70cm | Airi doll | Expensive | Glass case with prince and princess decoration | Modern Hina dolls | Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls
A high-priced Hina doll, Prince and Princess decoration, in a glass case! [Ohinasama Airi Hina]
This expensive doll is placed in a carefully maintained glass case. It is a gorgeous doll with a modern and elegant color scheme.
Doll size: Width 28cm x Depth 27cm x Height 24cm

Any of the expensive Hina dolls and prince and princess ornaments can be displayed in a glass case! [Ohinasama Airi Hina]

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Hina dolls Catalog request Hinamatsuri dolls