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Zoom 刺繍が豪華なひな人形
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl  かすみ雛|75cm|金駒刺繍のお着物|本仕立て|おしゃれ|雛人形|シンプル|雛飾り|親王飾り|ひな人形 Product vendor
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 金駒刺繍のお着物
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl  かすみ雛|75cm|金駒刺繍のお着物|本仕立て|おしゃれ|雛人形|シンプル|雛飾り|親王飾り|ひな人形 Product vendor
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 金駒刺繍のお着物
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
Zoom 仕立ても着物も良質な雛人形
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Simple-Flower Girl Kasumi Hina Doll | 75cm | Kimono with gold embroidery hand-painted by an artisan | Authentic tailoring | | Stylish Hina Doll | Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular Hina Doll | Modern Japanese and Nordic style



● Just the "gold embroidery" on the kimono is a time-consuming technique. The tailoring is the highest quality "hon-tate" (real tailoring). This is a beautiful Hina doll that is limited in number.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm/42cm




Color of the screen


着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Custom-made Hina dolls are available. Simple-Flower Girl Kasumi Hina Dolls

This product is a simple Hinamatsuri decoration set that you can arrange to your liking. It is also easy to decorate the Hinamatsuri decorations and will blend in seamlessly with any room.

The doll is dressed in a beautiful kimono decorated with gold thread embroidery. This kimono is handcrafted by a skilled craftsman and features gold leaf processing and gold thread embroidery.

As a result, the design has a three-dimensional feel and depth compared to other embroidery, and the hem is also very carefully finished. This kimono is made with "hon-shitate" (real tailoring), and is of high quality and beautiful design.

The faces of the Hina dolls have a calm and gentle expression, and their beautiful faces create a warm and comfortable atmosphere for the Hina Matsuri, which is enjoyed with family and friends.

★This "Simple-Flower Girl" series has been designed without any decorative accessories in order to achieve a simple design. It is a Hinamatsuri decoration that can be easily used to decorate the entire space of a room according to your preferred image of Hinamatsuri.

You can also rearrange the folding screens to choose your favorite design.

★The annual production of kimonos with gold thread embroidery, which are finished by skilled craftsmen, is limited. Once they are sold out, the production will end.

Simple-Flower Girl Kasumi Hina Doll | 75cm | Kimono with gold embroidery hand-painted by an artisan | Authentic tailoring | | Stylish Hina Doll | Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular Hina Doll | Modern Japanese and Nordic style

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Custom-made available. A doll for the Hinamatsuri festival [Simple-Flower Girl Kasumi Hina]

The kimono for this Hina doll is finished with hand-painted gold leaf and embroidery, and then fully tailored.

This doll has a different type of face.

Snow lanterns and flowers are not included, so you can customize them yourself.

Display size: Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 42cm (Folding screens A and D types)
:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm (Folding screen type C)

Custom-made Hina Dolls

Stylish Hina Dolls

Cosmos Face Princess Hina Doll

Stylish Hina dolls, stylish and modern faces

Stylish Hina Dolls

Stylish Hina Dolls

Stylish Hina Dolls

Stylish Hina Dolls

[Flower Girl Kasumi Hina]

The kimono is decorated with hand-painted gold embroidery and is a fully-finished Hina doll.

Experience the finest craftsmanship, handcrafted by experienced artisans.

The lord of gold leaf processing

Cosmos Face Doll
Cosmos Face Doll

The lord of gold leaf processing

The lord of gold leaf processing

The lord of gold leaf processing

The lord of gold leaf processing

Finishing by hand A scene from the production of gold leaf embroidery

If you want to know why hand-painted gold embroidered Hina dolls are so expensive, please click on the link below!

Come and see how hand-painted gold embroidery is made.

This is a long video, so it starts with the main steps.

(We were unable to provide a video on gold leaf processing, so we borrowed one from YouTube.)

Reference source: NOB MIYAKE / Miyake Kogei Co., Ltd.

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