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Zoom おしゃれな雛人形
Zoom 夢桜(ゆめさくら)雛|53cm|ハイレベル 質の良いお顔のお雛様|今どきの雛人形|二人雛飾り|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
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Zoom 夢桜(ゆめさくら)雛|53cm|ハイレベル 質の良いお顔のお雛様|今どきの雛人形|二人雛飾り|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
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Zoom 夢桜(ゆめさくら)雛|53cm|ハイレベル 質の良いお顔のお雛様|今どきの雛人形|二人雛飾り|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
Zoom 夢桜(ゆめさくら)雛|53cm|ハイレベル 質の良いお顔のお雛様|今どきの雛人形|二人雛飾り|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
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Zoom 雛人形 台屏風
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Zoom 夢桜(ゆめさくら)雛|53cm|ハイレベル 質の良いお顔のお雛様|今どきの雛人形|二人雛飾り|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
Zoom おしゃれに飾る雛人形
Zoom コンパクト 雛人形

Yume Sakura Hina Doll | 53cm | High-level quality two-person Hina doll display, storage display | Modern, stylish face Hina doll | Cute, compact Hina doll | Hina doll | Hina doll



● Bright red and vibrant navy blue...this is a small and cute Hina doll made with colors that contrast well.

飾ったサイズ:Width 53cm x Depth 42cm x Height 56cm

収納時サイズ:Width 59cm x Depth 49cm x Height 37cm




着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Small but high quality faces and high level production process Hina dolls Hina decorations [Yume Sakura]

Yume Sakura Hina dolls are high-quality products that offer modern Hina dolls. Even though they are small in size, the high-quality faces and perfectly ingenious manufacturing process create a delicate and sophisticated atmosphere.

These are heartwarming dolls, carefully crafted with care and attention, and made to order with materials to add a touch of color to your Hinamatsuri. By providing high-quality materials, you can enjoy the good old Japanese traditional Hinamatsuri.

The prince is dressed in a lovely Hina doll costume and has gorgeous embroidery.

The folding screen features a cute and popular ball design.

Parents wish for their children to find a good partner and to have a happy family life.

Since the balls are made using long threads, they were drawn to represent the idea of "tying ties." Yume Sakura Hina dolls, which create a new future by tying ties, are special dolls that bring good old Japanese traditions into the modern age.

A small, cute and beautiful Hina doll with contrasting colors such as vivid red and vibrant navy blue. The Hina doll is expressed with light abstract curves, and the sophisticated design is an unprecedentedly stylish Hina doll.

The princess's gorgeous kimono is layered with red and other colors selected for color balance. It is embroidered with gold paint, giving it a luxurious look. This outfit is a refined take on traditional Japanese clothing, and the silhouette exudes elegance and beauty.

The prince's kimono was a shiny navy blue. By choosing a deep color, the two of them complemented each other well when placed next to the princess's gorgeous kimono.

You can enjoy a high-quality Hina doll with a good shape made from high-quality materials and careful sewing. Navy blue is a wide-reaching color that represents the night sky and the universe.

Yume Sakura Hina Doll | 53cm | High-level quality two-person Hina doll display, storage display | Modern, stylish face Hina doll | Cute, compact Hina doll | Hina doll | Hina doll

トップ > 雛人形 一覧 > 古民家調 ブラウン 一覧


Small but high quality faces and high level craftsmanship [Yume Sakura] Hinamatsuri dolls

This is a Hina doll with a beautiful silhouette that combines traditional Japanese clothing with a sophisticated design and elegance and beauty.

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

High quality Hina dolls, beautiful

High-level Hina dolls are beautiful

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Small but high quality faces and high level production process Hina dolls Hina decorations [Yume Sakura]

A small, cute and beautiful Hina doll with contrasting colors such as vivid red and vibrant navy blue. The Hina doll is expressed with light abstract curves, and the sophisticated design is an unprecedentedly stylish Hina doll.

High quality modern Hina dolls

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

High-end Hina Dolls

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Hina dolls, beautiful, modern

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Let's light the lantern.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

Tools that exude the warmth of wood

Small and cute

Pink and green flowers

Pink and green flowers

Top > List of Hina Dolls

Small but high quality faces and high level production process Hina dolls Hina decorations [Yume Sakura]



まだカメラを向けてもなかなか笑顔が撮れないのですが、お雛様を前にニコニコ顔が撮れたと 娘から...


この子の宝物のひとつ:群馬県高崎市の千鶴ちゃん:雛人形と雛祭りの初節句で娘・家族への期待 ...










おしゃれな雛人形 一覧から探す

美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

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