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Zoom 仕立てのいい雛人形
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
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Zoom 豪華なグラデーション
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
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Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom 白ベースのおひな様
Zoom 今どきの屏風
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl まこ|65cm|魅了|雛人形|空間にマッチ|コンパクト|おしゃれ|お雛様|和モダン|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom 60cm平飾りしまい方
Zoom 60cm平飾りしまった時

Flower Girl Makohina | 65cm | Fascinating Hina doll | Matches any space | Stylish face Hina doll | Modern Hina doll | Japanese modern Nordic style



● A white base with a pink and light purple gradation... the colors are very elegant. This is a fully-made Hina doll that is beautiful even when viewed from the side.

飾ったサイズ:Width 65cm x Depth 35cm x Height 32cm/37.5cm




Color of the screen


着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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A Hina doll that captivates the viewer and matches the space [Flower Girl Mako]

This Hina doll was conceived with the idea of creating a Hina doll that would captivate anyone who sees it.

"Flower Girl Mako" Hina Doll is a special gift for those who love elegant space design. This beautiful Hina Doll will add an enchanting element to your room with its heartwarming atmosphere and delicate design.

This Hina doll will look very stylish when displayed in the space of a room. Its simple yet sophisticated design will blend in with any room and bring a gentle warmth.

As the name "Flower Girl" suggests, it brings out the beauty of flowers and brings natural brightness and vitality to your room. It's slightly sweet and gentle, like a spring breeze blowing.

The kimono is a white base with a pink and purple gradation. This color scheme is very elegant and creates a gentle atmosphere, perfect for enhancing the beauty of the flowers. The white base symbolizes cleanliness and purity, while the pink and purple gradation adds elegance and sophistication.

Kimonos in these colors are perfect for traditional Japanese celebrations that celebrate the arrival of spring and happy events. Also, placing one in a room will bring a calm and beautiful atmosphere to the entire room, making it stand out as a special presence. The beauty of the "Flower Girl Mako" kimono will bring gaiety and warmth to the room, creating a festive atmosphere.

The size and presence of the displayed Hina dolls have been carefully considered.

★This "Flower Girl" series is a Hina doll set with a modern, simple design that combines flowers and lights in a contemporary style.

You can also rearrange the folding screens to choose your favorite design.

Flower Girl Makohina | 65cm | Fascinating Hina doll | Matches any space | Stylish face Hina doll | Modern Hina doll | Japanese modern Nordic style

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A fascinating Hina doll that matches the space [Flower Girl Makohina] Hinamatsuri doll

We wanted to create a Hina doll that would captivate anyone who saw it. This Hina doll was conceived with that idea in mind. It is slightly sweet and gentle, like the feeling of a spring breeze blowing.

Display size: Width 65cm x Depth 35cm x Height 32/37.5cm

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Hina dolls that match your space

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Fascinating Hina Dolls

A Hina doll that captivates the viewer and matches the space [Flower Girl Mako]

A white base with pink and purple gradations. This color scheme is very elegant and creates a gentle atmosphere, perfect for highlighting the beauty of flowers. The white base symbolizes cleanliness and purity, while the pink and purple gradations add elegance and sophistication.

Fascinating Hina Dolls

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Fascinating Hina Dolls

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

Hina Dolls Cute Snow Cave

Snow cave of Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

Beautiful Hina Dolls

A gentle flower

Top > List of Hina Dolls



Flower Girl コンセプト


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Flower Girl 一覧から探す









おしゃれな雛人形 一覧から探す

美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

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たくさんのご家族から寄せられた 笑顔の声

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最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




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