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Zoom 駿河伝統工芸竹千筋細工台の雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 雛人形日菜子雛
Zoom 三段飾り|85cm|日菜子(ひなこ)雛|おしゃれお雛様|今どき|竹ひご|駿河伝統工芸雛人形|和風|伝統的|ひな人形 Product vendor
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Zoom 駿河伝統工芸竹千筋細工台の雛人形日菜子雛
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Zoom 駿河伝統工芸竹千筋細工台の雛人形日菜子雛
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Three-tiered display | 85cm | Hinako Hina doll | Stylish Hina doll | Modern | Bamboo sticks | Suruga traditional crafts Five-person display | Modern Hina dolls Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls Hina dolls



● A gorgeous three-tiered display with a striking beautiful color scheme. Accents include traditional costumes and bamboo crafts.

飾ったサイズ:Width 85cm x Depth 79cm x Height 85cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Suruga Traditional Craft Hina Dolls woven from bamboo strips [Three-tiered display, 90cm, Hinako Hina Doll]

This is a high-class Hina doll that will captivate you with its high-quality materials and sophisticated design. This gorgeous Hina doll with its impressive beautiful color scheme will also be a wonderful accent for your interior. This elegant Hina doll is made of the finest materials that create a luxurious feel.

The red and black kimono of this doll stands out in front of a gold folding screen. It is made with "real" tailoring, so even the back is beautiful. This beautiful, hand-made doll, which has been painstakingly crafted down to the last detail, will be delivered to your hands.

The folding screen features beautiful morning cherry blossoms shining in the morning sun...and fantastic night cherry blossoms, with the white of the cherry blossoms in full bloom at night providing a gentle glow. These beautiful cherry blossoms can be recognized even from afar.

The doll's modest expression is made even more beautiful and gentle by finishing with pink foundation, making it a better match for the kimono.

I feel the early arrival of spring

In one corner of the room, a beautiful three-tiered display of Hina dolls made of gold and bamboo senjiki craftwork... The entire room gives off a feeling of the early arrival of spring, allowing you to enjoy a gorgeous Hinamatsuri with your family.

I hope that your newborn daughter will experience the happiness of her family celebrating in this beautiful space every year and build memories of spring events.

Suruga traditional craft Hina dolls... The display stand and accessories are made with great attention to detail.

Three-tiered display | 85cm | Hinako Hina doll | Stylish Hina doll | Modern | Bamboo sticks | Suruga traditional crafts Five-person display | Modern Hina dolls Stylish Hina dolls | Hina dolls Hina dolls

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Suruga Traditional Craft Hina Dolls woven from bamboo strips [Three-tiered display, 90cm, Hinako Hina Doll]

A Hina doll that would look great displayed in a room with stylish flooring and white wallpaper.

With cherry blossoms placed next to the dolls, you can enjoy the refreshing brightness of the spring Hinamatsuri space.

P.S.: The cherry blossom decoration on the side of the photo is sold separately.

To see a detailed list of floral decorations, click here

Display size: Width 85cm x Depth 79cm x Height 85cm

Doll size: Width 28cm x Depth 27cm x Height 24cm

Suruga Traditional Craft Hina Dolls woven from bamboo strips [Three-tiered display, 90cm, Hinako Hina Doll]

Suruga Traditional Crafts Hina Dolls
Bamboo Hina Dolls

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Knitted traditional craft Hina dolls

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Suruga Traditional Crafts Hina Dolls
Traditional Crafts Hina Dolls
Crafts Hina Dolls
Suruga Traditional Crafts Hina Dolls

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Let's light the lantern.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

"Tools for painting"

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Carefully crafted bamboo flowers

Top > List of Hina Dolls








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