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Kotohana Hina Doll | 60cm | Rare color tone | Carefully finished with a profound feeling Storage decoration | Two-person Hina doll decoration | Stylish modern Hina doll | Hina doll | Popular | Hina doll | Hina doll | Hina doll



● A beautiful silhouette whether viewed from the side or the back. Enjoy the stately "Kotona Hina" dolls, which have been finished using rare colors.

飾ったサイズ:Width 60cm x Depth 38cm x Height 57cm

収納時サイズ:Width 65cm x Depth 46cm x Height 37cm




着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Carefully finished, rare color tones, and a profound feeling of Hina dolls and Hina decorations [Kotona Hina]

Kotohana Hina dolls are stately dolls, finished using rare colours.

The kimonos are a classic color combination, with the princess in red and the prince in navy blue, but the ittsuginu (five-layered garments) use contrasting colors such as red, purple, and green, giving them a unique and gorgeous color scheme.
The karaginu (traditional Chinese garment) is embroidered with large cherry blossoms.
The addition of gold thread embroidery adds a three-dimensional effect, making the cherry blossoms look more lively.

Kinko embroidery is a technique in which thick gold thread that cannot be passed through an embroidery needle is wrapped around a wooden piece, sewn along the outline, and fastened with binding thread.
The finished product is very luxurious, but it is a labor-intensive craftsmanship.

We also pay special attention to the tailoring, and the kimonos are professionally tailored.
The beautiful silhouette looks beautiful not only from the front, but also from the side and back, a finish that can only be achieved through genuine tailoring.
The sleeves of the kimono form beautiful lines, and the skirt part from the back is neatly flared out, which is a distinctive feature.

The base folding screen, decorated with a pine tree and a Seigaiha pattern, has a traditional wood grain design reminiscent of an old Japanese home.
It can be used as a storage case as is, so it is recommended for those who have limited storage space.

Kotohana Hina Doll | 60cm | Rare color tone | Carefully finished with a profound feeling Storage decoration | Two-person Hina doll decoration | Stylish modern Hina doll | Hina doll | Popular | Hina doll | Hina doll | Hina doll

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A carefully finished Hina doll with a rare color tone and a profound feeling [Kotona Hina] Hinamatsuri doll

The Kotohana Hina dolls are stately dolls made with rare colors. The addition of gold thread embroidery adds a three-dimensional effect, making them look very luxurious.

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Hina dolls

Hinamatsuri decorations

Hina Dolls Rare Colors

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls, profound feeling

Hina dolls: careful finishing

[Kohana Hina]

The princess's kimono is red and the prince's kimono is navy blue, a classic color combination.

The addition of gold thread embroidery gives the garment a more three-dimensional look, making it a beautiful piece.

Lord Rare Colors

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Why are Hina dolls with gold embroidered kimonos so expensive?

Gold-embroidered Hina dolls are special items filled with Japanese tradition and artisanal skill.

Just like the feeling that choosing a furisode for your Coming of Age ceremony is a "special outfit," these Hina dolls have value that goes beyond being mere decoration.

Once you understand the beauty of gold thread embroidery, you will be able to appreciate its charm even more.

Kimono with gold embroidery

What is Kinkoma Embroidery? Its Characteristics and Beauty

Kinkomashishu is an embroidery technique in which patterns are created by rolling a special gold thread with a tool called a "koma."

After the gold thread is placed, it is fastened with thin "binding threads" to create a beautiful pattern with a three-dimensional look and shine.

This technique is used on gorgeous kimonos and Hina dolls, giving them an extravagant feel.

Kimono with gold embroidery 2

Why are kimonos with gold thread embroidery so expensive?

The reason why gold embroidered dolls and kimonos are expensive is because
This is due to the skill and effort that goes into its production, as well as the high-quality materials used. Here are some reasons why:

1. Skilled and experienced technology

The advanced techniques of a craftsman are essential to arrange and position the gold thread while preserving its beauty.

2. Lots of time and focus

It takes a long time and detailed work to complete a single piece, demanding the craftsman's concentration.

3.High -quality materials

The materials themselves are also highly valuable, as high-quality gold thread and fabric are used.

Please watch the video to see the process of Kinkoma embroidery.

This video shows how gold thread embroidery is made, with skilled craftsmen carefully finishing each stitch.

When you see this scene of work, you can see that it is not just a decoration.
You will surely feel that this is a traditional Japanese craft that is full of skill and beauty.

Source: Official website of Japanese Embroidery, Japanese Embroidery Benikai &

If you want to know why gold-koma embroidered Hina dolls are so expensive, please click on the link below!

Why are Hina dolls with gold embroidered kimonos so expensive? Learn more

Carefully finished, rare color tones, and a profound feeling of Hina dolls and Hina decorations [Kotona Hina]

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Let's light the lantern.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

A shiny doll

This is a traditional lacquering technique, so the gloss is different.

Diamond-shaped Hina doll with lacquer finish

Inkstone box included

Stylish Hina doll accessories

Stylishly colored sake bottles and flowers

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

A delicate fence made by applying heat to the bamboo to create a rounded shape, with a cute cherry blossom and orange design.

Please come and see the process of hand-finishing the gold thread embroidery.

If you want to know why gold-koma embroidered Hina dolls are so expensive, please click on the link below!

Kimono with gold embroidery

Why are Hina dolls with gold embroidered kimonos so expensive? Learn more

Carefully finished, rare color tones, and a profound feeling of Hina dolls and Hina decorations [Kotona Hina]

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