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Zoom Kanami Hina Doll | 75cm | Good Design | 3-tiered display manufacturer and distributor | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls
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Zoom 花那実(かなみ)雛|75cm|グッドデザイン|3段飾り|おしゃれでかわいい雛人形|製造元 販売|お雛様|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
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Kanami Hina Doll | 75cm | Good Design | 3-tiered display manufacturer and distributor | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls



● The cherry blossom color gradation changes from pale to dark. This doll has a glossy, soft shine and exudes a sense of luxury.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 82cm x Height 87cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Good Design 3-tiered Hina Dolls for sale by the manufacturer of Hina Dolls [Hina Dolls Hanami Hina]

The Kanami Hina doll display is a luxurious three-tiered Hina doll set.
Enjoy the rich texture of this first-class product, suitable for a special Hina doll.

The elegant finish, made using high-quality materials, and the fine detail that can only be achieved through handcrafting will bring you a sense of happiness that is unique to you.

The princess's violet-colored outfit is layered with a gradation of cherry blossom pink that gradually changes from pale to darker.
The layering of the collar is also perfectly matched in color to the hem.
The prince's kimono was made from the same silk fabric as the princess's.
The three court ladies are presented on a navy blue background so as not to interfere with the pale colors of the Hina dolls.
This court lady with such a beautiful color scheme is a masterpiece that Hinasei can confidently recommend.

The material has a glossy feel, so it exudes a soft, radiant luxury the moment you take it out of the box.
Enjoy one-of-a-kind Hina dolls, created from high-quality designs and materials.

The manufacturer offers innovative and well-designed three-tiered Hina dolls.
These Hina dolls, which are made with attention to detail, create a wonderful Hinamatsuri and transform the entire room into a festive space.They are also perfect as gifts for special people.
The delicate colors and graceful curves of this Hina doll will invite you into a rich world of stories.

Kanami Hina Doll | 75cm | Good Design | 3-tiered display manufacturer and distributor | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls

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Good Design 3-tiered Hina Dolls for sale by the manufacturer of Hina Dolls [Hanamin Hina] Hinamatsuri Dolls

The three ladies-in-waiting in beautiful color schemes and the dolls with delicate colors and graceful curves are three-tiered decorations made from high-quality materials, giving them an elegant and luxurious feel.

Doll size: Width 28cm x Depth 27cm x Height 24cm

The size of the dolls

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Manufacturer of Hina Dolls
Hina Doll Good Design

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Three-tiered Hina Doll Display
Manufacturer of Hina Dolls

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina Dolls

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Let's light the lantern.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

"Tools for painting"

Hina doll crepe craft

Flowers in gentle colors made with crepe paper

Stylish Hina Doll Flowers

Inspired by Kyoto gardens

Cute flowers for Hina dolls

Good Design 3-tiered Hina Dolls for sale by the manufacturer of Hina Dolls [Ohinasama Hanami Hina]

Top > List of Hina Dolls




一緒に はい、ポーズ!!:矢板市の心琉ちゃん|初節句のひな祭り



偶然ひなせいさんのお雛様が目に止まり、うわっ、綺麗〜!凄っ!お顔も素敵!と、 色合いの美しさ、...






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美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

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毎月 先着150名様 限定




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