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Zoom 雰囲気良くひな人形を飾る
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
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Zoom 雛人形 着物
Zoom 雛人形  飽きのこない色彩
Zoom 雛人形  着物
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom ひな人形 殿
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Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl このみ雛|75cm|バリエーションで選べる|雛人形|お雛様|おしゃれ|和モダン Product vendor
Zoom ナチュラルなお雛様
Zoom シンプルなお雛様

Flower Girl Konomi Hina | 75cm | Choose from a variety of dolls | Stylish face Hina doll | | Modern Hina doll | Popular because it's cute, cheap



● A vibrant Hina doll with excellent design and functionality that blends in with modern interiors. The flowers and lights are very stylish.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm/42cm




Color of the screen


着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:General tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Choose from a variety of Hina dolls [Flower Girl Konomi Hina] Hina dolls

A Hina doll set that you can choose from with a variety of folding screen combinations.

You can arrange your Hina dolls to your liking by choosing your favorite folding screen.

The advantage of being able to arrange them in a variety of ways is that you can create a unique Hina doll that matches your taste and interior. By choosing folding screens with various colors and patterns, you can enjoy a unique and original Hina doll.

The combination of a navy blue male doll and a red female doll... The timeless colors of red and navy blue bring out the classic splendor of Hina dolls to the fullest.

A Hina doll dressed in a gorgeous brocade kimono. Brocade fabric is a type of fabric that is woven with a mixture of threads of different colors, thicknesses, and materials in the weft, creating a stepped pattern. This results in a variety of expressions and allows complex patterns to be created.

The princess's karaginu (traditional Chinese garment) is a vivid red, while her outer garment is a soft pheasant green color with cherry blossom patterns scattered throughout.

The lord's kimono features a diamond crest woven with five-colored threads that derive from the theory of Yin and Yang and the five elements. These five colors have been used since ancient times in Japan and are believed to ward off evil, and are imbued with the hope that children will be protected from misfortune and grow up healthy.

This is a set decoration that includes a gorgeous Hina doll and simple ornaments that you can arrange to your liking.

★This "Flower Girl" series is a Hina doll set with a modern, simple design that combines flowers and lights in a contemporary style.

You can also rearrange the folding screens to choose your favorite design.

Flower Girl Konomi Hina | 75cm | Choose from a variety of dolls | Stylish face Hina doll | | Modern Hina doll | Popular because it's cute, cheap

トップ > 雛人形 一覧 > Flower Girl 一覧


A variety of fun dolls to choose from [Flower Girl Konomi Hina] Hinamatsuri dolls

This is a set decoration that includes a gorgeous Hina doll and simple ornaments that you can arrange to your liking.

Display size: Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 42cm (Folding screens A and D types)
Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm (Folding screen type C)

Choose from a variety of Hina dolls
Three-tiered Hina Doll Display

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls for two

Hina dolls, five-person set

Hina dolls made from natural materials

[Flower Girl Konomi Hina combined with modern interior]

The combination of a navy blue male doll and a red female doll...
The timeless colors of red and navy blue bring out the classic splendor of Hina dolls to the fullest.

Five cute dolls for hinamatsuri

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina dolls are precious

Hina dolls, five-person set

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

Hina Dolls Cute Snow Cave

Snow cave of Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

Beautiful Hina Dolls

A gentle flower

Top > List of Hina Dolls



Flower Girl コンセプト


モダンに... シンプルに...

私たちの開発秘話 詳しく知る

Flower Girl 一覧からお探しください


Flower Girl 一覧から探す









おしゃれな雛人形 一覧から探す

美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

お値段の違い 詳しく知る

たくさんのご家族から寄せられた 笑顔の声

お客様の声 一覧を見る

最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




早特フェア クーポン 詳しく知る
Zoom Hina dolls Catalog request Hinamatsuri dolls
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Zoom 雛人形カタログ 素材
Zoom ひなせい雛人形カタログ 優しいお顔

Hina dolls Catalog request Hinamatsuri dolls




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