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Zoom Chiaki Hina Doll | 75cm | Natural beige color | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls
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Chiaki Hina Doll | 75cm | Natural beige color | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls

¥118,000 Regular price ¥141,000


● The stylish beige color scheme gives it an old-fashioned feel... This Hina doll radiates grace and beauty in its beautiful kimono.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 34.5cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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A lovely yellowish beige color for an adult Hina doll, Hina doll decoration [Chiaki Hina]

Chiaki Hina's artistic dolls have a stylish beige color scheme and a shining, old-fashioned feel. These dolls, which are carefully crafted one by one, create an elegant and gorgeous atmosphere for decorations such as the Doll's Festival.

The doll is dressed in a calm, high-quality Hina doll costume and has gorgeous embroidery.

The folding screen is decorated with elegant and beautiful designs of cherry blossoms and crescent moons, heralding the arrival of spring with their blooming flowers.

The color that is closest to modern camel is a color that was called "fragrant color" during the time of The Tale of Genji, and was named after the fact that it was dyed with actual fragrant wood.

At the time The Tale of Genji was written, fragrant wood was very valuable, so only high-ranking aristocrats were able to wear this color.

The Chiaki Hina doll decorations, with their timeless, soft colors that create a sophisticated atmosphere, are a piece that pursues a sense of luxury.

This Hina doll is dressed in a beautiful kimono with a calm atmosphere. This is your very own Hina doll that will bring you artistic and elegant beauty.

Chiaki Hina Doll | 75cm | Natural beige color | Modern Hina Dolls | Stylish Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls | Hina Dolls

¥118,000 Regular price ¥141,000
トップ > 雛人形 一覧 > 古民家調 ブラウン 一覧


A Hina doll with a lovely beige color and a mature atmosphere [Chiaki Hina] for Hinamatsuri

The doll is dressed in a beautiful costume and gorgeously embroidered. The soft colors and intricately finished atmosphere make this a luxurious doll.

Doll size: Width 28cm x Depth 27cm x Height 24cm

The size of the dolls

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Purchase on Rakuten Yahoo! Purchase on Rakuten Yahoo!

A lovely beige-colored Hina doll for adults, Hina doll decoration [Chiaki Hina]

Chic Hina dolls

Hina dolls, adult-like

This is a beautiful doll with a beautiful face. It's beautiful.

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Beautiful Hina dolls
Popular Hina dolls
Hina Doll Beige

The dignified face of a lord

A doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Popular Hina dolls
Hina dolls, elegant beige

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

I'll lend you a light.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

A shiny doll

Tools with a beautiful glossy finish

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Carefully crafted bamboo flowers

Top > List of Hina Dolls








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