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Zoom むぎ雛|46cm|現代風のお顔で小さい雛人形|五人飾りのお雛様|丸いお顔|しまうタイプ雛飾り|かわいい|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom むぎ雛|46cm|現代風のお顔で小さい雛人形|五人飾りのお雛様|丸いお顔|しまうタイプ雛飾り|かわいい|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom むぎ雛|46cm|現代風のお顔で小さい雛人形|五人飾りのお雛様|丸いお顔|しまうタイプ雛飾り|かわいい|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom むぎ雛|46cm|現代風のお顔で小さい雛人形|五人飾りのお雛様|丸いお顔|しまうタイプ雛飾り|かわいい|コンパクト|おしゃれ|収納飾り Product vendor
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Mugi Hina Doll | 46cm | Modern-style faces, small five-person decoration, round faces | Storage-type Hina doll decoration | Storage decoration | Modern, stylish faces Hina dolls | Cute, compact Hina dolls | Hina dolls



● A cute five-person decoration based on pastel colors, with the colors of spring flowers and young grass.

飾ったサイズ:Width 46cm x Depth 35cm x Height 36cm

収納時のサイズ:Width 52cm x Depth 42cm x Height 24cm




着物の素材     : pure silk 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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A small Hina doll with a modern face. A five-person display that can be put away. Hina dolls [Mugi Hina]

"Mugi Hina" is a small doll with a distinctive modern face, a cute five-person display. It is a storage type, so it is easy to display according to the atmosphere of the room, and can create a luxurious feel. Please enjoy the sophisticated design that is a modern arrangement of traditional Hina dolls.

Hina Dolls, Modern Faces, Small Five-Person Decoration, Storage Type

Even the small dolls are made with the utmost care and skill by our artisans. They are perfect in every detail, delicately crafted, and are a perfect gift for expressing lasting feelings.

We have endeavored to create a silhouette and color scheme that is stylish enough to be displayed in a modern Western-style room using high-level techniques. This product is a culmination of Japanese craft techniques and cutting-edge technology, and offers an interior item that combines traditional traditions with new and innovative ideas.

The kimono isPure Silk. . . Both the Emperor and Empress dolls and the three court ladies have cute, modern faces that Hinasei is proud of. The five dolls are beautifully dressed. Please enjoy these luxurious dolls that will satisfy both your appearance and your heart.

The cute princess is based on pastel colors, with the colors of spring flowers and young grass. The elegant design and warm colors will make your room feel comfortable.

A modern, small five-person doll display...pursuing the highest quality in terms of Hina doll craftsmanship

The tailoring is done with the highest quality we are proud of."Authentic tailoring"is adopted.

The princess's shape, lines and silhouette are beautiful, and the pale combination of colour tones creates a natural feel.

The lord was also wearing a calm light yellow kimono.
Various floral patterns are made to stand out with colored threads, making this a very gorgeous kimono.

The three court ladies are decorated in a vibrant red color scheme. They are slightly smaller than the Dairi-bina dolls, but their small size accentuates the innocence and cuteness of their faces.

Mugi Hina dolls are small, modern-style five-person dolls. Made with the finest materials and craftsmanship, they are impressive dolls. Please feel the soft texture of the materials and be impressed.

Mugi Hina Doll | 46cm | Modern-style faces, small five-person decoration, round faces | Storage-type Hina doll decoration | Storage decoration | Modern, stylish faces Hina dolls | Cute, compact Hina dolls | Hina dolls

雛人形 トップ > 雛人形 一覧から探す


A small doll with a modern face. A five-person doll set that can be put away. [Mugi Hina] Dolls' Festival dolls

A small doll with a distinctive face...a cute five-person doll display. The shape, lines and silhouette are beautiful, and the pale combination of colors creates a natural feel to this doll.

Doll size: Width 13cm x Depth 12cm x Height 11cm

Hina doll size

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Stylish Hina dolls, modern style Stylish Hina dolls, modern style

A small Hina doll with a modern face. A five-person display that can be put away.

A modern face
Small Hina dolls decoration, five dolls
Hina dolls (storage type)
Hina Doll Kimono
Lord Small
Hina Dolls
Cute round face princess
Round Face

A small Hina doll with a modern face. A five-person display that can be put away.

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

Hina Dolls Cute Snow Cave

Snow cave of Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

A shiny doll

This is a traditional lacquering technique, so the gloss is different.

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Cute cherry blossom tangerine

Cute flowers on Hina dolls

Small and cute flower

Top > List of Hina Dolls



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