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Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
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Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
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Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
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Zoom おしゃれな台屏風
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom モダンな台屏風
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor
Zoom Simple-Flower Girl くるみ雛|75cm|お好きにコーディネート|雛人形|おしゃれ|今どき|親王飾り|シンプル|お雛様|お顔 Product vendor

Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina Doll | 75cm | Coordinate as you like | Stylish Hina Doll | Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular | Japanese Modern Nordic Style



● A vibrant Hina doll with excellent design and functionality that blends in with modern interiors. The gorgeous embroidery is very stylish.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm/42cm




Color of the screen


着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Coordinate as you like Hina dolls [Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina] Hina dolls

A new simple Hina doll set has been created that can be beautifully displayed in a stylish space while enjoying the warmth of spring sunshine.

This is a highly designed Hinamatsuri decoration that beautifully combines traditional Japanese culture with the beauty of modern colors.

It will blend in with any room


This set allows you to coordinate with your favorite type of folding screen.
It will blend in with any room that suits the modern lifestyle, brightening up the space and adding a stylish touch. Please choose a folding screen that suits your taste and fits your room.

The Hina dolls also express the beautiful colors of the kimonos, and the artisans have paid particular attention to the delicate lines of their silhouettes through their handiwork.

The princess's kimono is white with a pink gradation dye and beautifully embroidered with seasonal flowers. Furthermore, the gold leaf processing adds depth and splendor to the embroidery.

The lord's kimono is a very elaborate design, with a white fabric, purple gradation dyeing and gold thread embroidery. The five garments are also decorated with a gradation of similar colors, and the flow and color balance have a wonderful finish that can only be achieved with real tailoring, making it a special and beautiful design.

Have a smiling Hinamatsuri!

With this gorgeous and beautiful doll, you can enjoy a happy Hinamatsuri with your daughter and family in a room that brings to mind the coming of spring. We hope that all those who love Japanese tradition and beauty will enjoy a heartwarming Hinamatsuri.

★This "Simple-Flower Girl" series has been designed without any decorative accessories in order to achieve a simple design. It is a Hinamatsuri decoration that can be easily used to decorate the entire space of a room according to your preferred image of Hinamatsuri.

You can also rearrange the folding screens to choose your favorite design.

Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina Doll | 75cm | Coordinate as you like | Stylish Hina Doll | Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular | Japanese Modern Nordic Style

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Coordinate as you like Hina dolls [Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina] Hinamatsuri dolls

It will blend in with any room that suits the modern lifestyle and brighten up the space with style. Please choose a folding screen that suits your taste and fits your room.

Display size: Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 42cm (Folding screens A and D types)
:Width 75cm x Depth 40cm x Height 38cm (Folding screen type C)

Coordinate your Hina dolls however you like

Hina dolls Fashionable

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls living room

Hina dolls living room

Hina dolls living room

Hina Dolls with Gold Embroidery

[Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina]
This set is a product that allows you to coordinate with your favorite type of folding screen.
The doll expresses the beautiful colors of the kimono, and the artisans have paid particular attention to the delicate lines of the silhouette through their handiwork.

Lord Stylish

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Hina Doll Kimono

Coordinate as you like Hina dolls [Simple-Flower Girl Kurumi Hina] Hina dolls

Top > List of Hina Dolls



Flower Girl コンセプト


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おしゃれな雛人形 一覧から探す

美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

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最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




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