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Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
Zoom Miyuka Hina Doll | 75cm | Precious three-tiered display made from natural materials | Rare five-person display | Hina dolls | Modern, stylish faces | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls
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Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
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Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
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Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
Zoom 美結花(みゆか)雛|75cm|貴重 天然素材の三段飾り|滅多に見ない五人飾り|雛人形|おしゃれ|雛飾り|和風|伝統的 Product vendor

Miyuka Hina Doll | 75cm | Precious three-tiered display made from natural materials | Rare five-person display | Hina dolls | Modern, stylish faces | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls

¥170,000 Regular price ¥173,800


● Subdued colors and an elegant image... a chic and fashionable lady. The soft, pale colors create an elegant design that you will never tire of.

飾ったサイズ:Width 75cm x Depth 82cm x Height 87cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:General tailoring

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A rare, precious, natural material, three-tiered, five-person Hina doll display [Ohinasama Miyuka Hina]

The "Miyuka Hina Doll Decoration" is a precious three-tiered Hina Doll display made from natural materials.

The kimonos worn by Hina dolls are made using a special technique called dan-ori, which involves adding woven patterns to the basic kimono colors.
Made using a stepped weave technique, the woven fabric features intricate patterns and border designs, allowing you to enjoy a variety of different looks.
The lord's kimono was made into an eye-catching outfit featuring intricately woven patterns on a ground pattern.
The pattern, which uses gold thread on a calm background color, has a cherry blossom motif.

Court ladies with textured designs are also very popular.
The red colour is reminiscent of Hina dolls, but the hakama is purple to give the colour a more subdued look.
By combining it with a chic and stylish lady-in-waiting, it also makes a perfect display stand with an old-fashioned feel.

The high-quality materials and first-class craftsmanship make these pieces a real pleasure to look at.
The elegant, natural texture creates a rich atmosphere as part of your room's interior.
The soft, pale colors create a timeless design that you will love for a long time.

The rare and beautiful five-figure Hina doll set will instantly transform your room into a luxurious and elegant space.
The calming colors and elegant imagery will completely transform any space and create a wonderful atmosphere.
Enjoy the luxury and lustre of Miyuka Hina dolls, made from precious natural materials, and spend a luxurious time displaying this rare, artistic Hina doll.

You will receive a beautiful Hina doll with an overwhelming expression and a luxurious feel.

Miyuka Hina Doll | 75cm | Precious three-tiered display made from natural materials | Rare five-person display | Hina dolls | Modern, stylish faces | Hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls

¥170,000 Regular price ¥173,800


A rare and precious three-tiered five-person Hina doll set made from natural materials [Miyuka Hina] Hinamatsuri dolls

A precious three-tiered display made from natural materials. The kimono is made using a special technique called dan-ori. The elegant natural texture... the graceful image will completely transform the space and create a wonderful atmosphere.

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

A precious three-tiered display

Three-tiered Hina Doll Display

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

[Miyuka Hina dolls with calm colors and an elegant image]

The kimonos worn by Hina dolls are made using a special technique called dan-ori, which involves adding woven patterns to the basic kimono colors.
Made using a stepped weave technique, the woven fabric features intricate patterns and border designs, allowing you to enjoy a variety of different looks.

Hina dolls, five-person set

Hina dolls, five-person set

Hina dolls made from natural materials

Five cute dolls for hinamatsuri

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina dolls are precious

Hina dolls, five-person set

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Carefully crafted bamboo flowers

"Tools for painting"

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

Hina dolls, stylish, three-tiered, five-person display, Miyuka Hina

A rare and rare three-tiered five-person Hina doll display made from natural materials [Ohinasama Miyuka Hina]

Top > List of Hina Dolls







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