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Hina Dolls: Why Hina Dolls Have an Aesthetic Sense

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Hina Dolls: Why Hina Dolls Have an Aesthetic Sense

Hina Dolls: Why Hina Dolls Have an Aesthetic Sense


The human eye has the ability to sense color.
As you sense this color, you will also sense the characteristics of the object, recognize it, and remember it.

There are many different colors, but broadly speaking, they are made up of three colors: blue, red, and green.

By mixing these three colors, different colors are created.

The female staff at Hinasei Kobo utilize and combine this color logic and theory to create color scheme designs for Hina dolls.

Start by choosing kimonos for the prince and princess of the Hina dolls, imagining the general colors and texture of the fabric.

And for the princess, the basic combination of the two main colors is used (strictly speaking, Hinasei Kobo will pursue three more colors, but we will not go into detail here).

How to achieve this color balance?

This is first derived from a scientific formula.


To be honest, at first I used scientific formulas and extracted and excerpted information from women's fashion magazines.

Also, by looking at the color balance of classic Ukiyo-e and Katsushika Hokusai, you can gradually hone your sense of combining these sensitivities at an unconscious level through training.

As this sensitivity is honed, just by looking at a bolt of cloth or a kimono, you will be able to test out matching kimonos in two different patterns: "To make the most of the texture of this color, match it with something in the same color family. Or, conversely, choose a contrasting combination."

Ultimately, we find a combination of kimonos in colors that will bring out the best in the princess's Hina doll hues.

The choice of colour for the folding screen is an extension of that combination.
Development of colour tones for patterns.
This involves a comprehensive development process leading to commercialization.

In particular, this sense of color is quite in line with the tastes that lie deep within the Japanese people.
Why? In Japan, we have spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has its own charm and atmosphere...

This sense of color must be matched with the sentiment of Japan's Hinamatsuri.

Then we conduct test sales to see if customers will actually choose the product.

In fact, if customers choose our products during the early sales of the season, we then plan to stock up on a certain amount for a year later.

Cultivate and acquire the color balance of Hina dolls.
In order for this sensation to be expressed on an unconscious level, the colors of the Hina dolls are revealed through a fusion of experience and the scientific design theory behind it.

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