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Zoom くすみ色が印象的なお雛様
Zoom Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina Doll | 50cm | Storage Decoration | Stylish Face Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular because it's cute
Zoom Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina Doll | 50cm | Storage Decoration | Stylish Face Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular because it's cute
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Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom 凛々しいお顔
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
Zoom 綺麗なお顔
Zoom Flower Girl 収納飾り 咲菜(さな)雛|50cm|今どきのコンパクト|おしゃれなお雛様|シンプル飾り Product vendor
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Zoom モダンに飾るお雛様

Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina Doll | 50cm | Storage Decoration | Stylish Face Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular because it's cute



● A vibrant Hina doll with excellent design and functionality that blends in with modern interiors. The simple design is very stylish.

飾ったサイズ:Width 50cm x Depth 30cm x Height 51cm





着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:Picture frame finish
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Hina Doll [Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina Doll]

The impression of beauty when you take the dolls out of the box...

What you can experience in a simple space


If you decorate your home with this Hina doll in a natural and simple space, the atmosphere of the room will instantly become more gorgeous. Beautiful Japanese tradition and modern design are in perfect harmony with the Hina doll, bringing warmth and beauty to the room.

The kimono for the Hina dolls is the traditional navy blue and red. Navy blue generally symbolizes stability and reliability, while red is known to represent passion and energy. It is embroidered with vibrant spring flowers. Dressed in an elegantly embroidered kimono, the dolls will continue to watch over the hopes for a happy family's future.

Although simple, these Hina dolls combine Japanese tradition with modern beauty, making them attractive and lively, and bringing a warm atmosphere to any room.

This Hina doll is perfect for a room with furniture made from natural materials and walls in subdued, natural colors.

Among them, the Hina dolls shine, and we hope you enjoy Hinamatsuri, which heralds the arrival of spring.

Cherish this moment

We created the "Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina" because we believe that the moment when everyone experiences the moving beauty of the dolls when they are taken out of the box and the space is instantly transformed into a Hinamatsuri space is a moment that we want everyone to experience.

We would like to provide your newborn daughter and her family with a joyful Hinamatsuri.

It is our hope that the Hina dolls displayed in a simple and natural space will help deepen family ties and create happy memories.

★This "Flower Girl" series is a Hina doll set with a modern, simple design that combines flowers and lights in a contemporary style.

(Flowers are not included with this item)

You can also rearrange the folding screens to choose your favorite design.

Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina Doll | 50cm | Storage Decoration | Stylish Face Hina Doll | Modern Hina Doll | Popular because it's cute

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You'll be amazed by the beauty of this doll when you take it out of the box! Hina dolls [Flower Girl Storage Sakina Hina] Hina dolls for Hinamatsuri

You will be impressed by the beauty of the dolls when you take them out of the box...The Hina dolls will instantly transform your space into one that is perfect for Hinamatsuri.

Simple Hina Doll Decoration [Flower Girl Storage Decoration Sana Hina] Hina Doll

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

Beautiful Hina dolls

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Colorful Hina dolls, Sakina Hina

Beautiful and pretty

Beautiful and pretty

A simple Hina doll, Sakina Hina

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Colorful Hina dolls, Sakina Hina

Face Hina doll Beautiful

Beautiful Hina dolls

A storable doll

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

Hina Dolls Cute Snow Cave

Snow cave of Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

Beautiful Hina Dolls

The gentle light creates a soft look

Top > List of Hina Dolls



Flower Girl コンセプト


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最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




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