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Zoom かおり雛|80cm|高品質|おしゃれな刺繍|雛人形|収納飾り|親王雛飾りセット|お顔|和風|伝統的 Product vendor
Zoom Kaori Hina Doll | 80cm | High quality | Stylish embroidery | Hina doll | Storage decoration | Prince and princess Hina doll decoration set | Face | Japanese style | Traditional
Zoom Kaori Hina Doll | 80cm | High quality | Stylish embroidery | Hina doll | Storage decoration | Prince and princess Hina doll decoration set | Face | Japanese style | Traditional
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Zoom Kaori Hina Doll | 80cm | High quality | Stylish embroidery | Hina doll | Storage decoration | Prince and princess Hina doll decoration set | Face | Japanese style | Traditional

Kaori Hina Doll | 80cm | High quality | Stylish embroidery | Hina doll | Storage decoration | Prince and princess Hina doll decoration set | Face | Japanese style | Traditional



● Beautiful colors from any angle...Enjoy Kaori Hina, a high-quality, fully-crafted Hina doll.

飾ったサイズ:Width 80cm x Depth 41cm x Height 67cm

収納時サイズ:Width 85cm x Depth 48cm x Height 38cm




着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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Kaori Hina Dolls | High-quality tailoring and embroidery | Hina dolls | Hina decorations [Kaori Hina Dolls]

Kaori Hina is a fully-made Hina doll, lined with carefully selected fabric and finished by hand by artisans.
The combination of contrasting colors, red and green, is elegantly put together thanks to the graceful flow of the hem and the balance of the layers, which can only be achieved with authentic tailoring.

The characteristic of a genuine Hina doll is the beautiful triangle shape.

The characteristic of a genuine Hina doll is its beautiful triangular silhouette.
It stabilizes the lower body and allows the hem of the kimono to flow beautifully, allowing you to maintain a beautiful sitting posture.
The back is also beautiful, making this a Hina doll with "no blind spots from any angle."

Add a gentle touch to your spring celebrations

The modern embroidery pattern blends in well with the layered colors, adding a gentle touch to your spring celebrations.
The layered colors are intentionally chosen to be slightly dull, creating a beautiful gradation without interfering with the accent colors.

The pedestal folding screen, which has a wood grain reminiscent of an old-fashioned Japanese house, features a gentle weeping cherry blossom pattern that adds a touch of elegance.

Based on traditional layered colors, this Hinamatsuri decoration incorporates modern elements and will match any screen or costume, creating a gentle atmosphere to celebrate the spring.

Kaori Hina Doll | 80cm | High quality | Stylish embroidery | Hina doll | Storage decoration | Prince and princess Hina doll decoration set | Face | Japanese style | Traditional

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High quality and outstanding authenticity. Beautiful Hinamatsuri doll set [Kaori Hina]

The gentle weeping cherry blossom pattern creates a gorgeous look. Based on traditional layered colors, this Hinamatsuri decoration incorporates modern elements to create a gentle atmosphere for celebrating spring.

Doll size: Width 28cm x Depth 27cm x Height 24cm

Hina doll size

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.

Kaori Hina Dolls | High-quality tailoring and embroidery | Hina dolls | Hina decorations [Kaori Hina Dolls]

High quality Hina dolls

Hina dolls, authentic, safe

Beautiful and beautiful face Hina dolls

A beautiful doll's face

Stylish faces of Hina dolls

Beautiful face of a doll

Hina dolls: Authentic kimono

Hina dolls High quality kimono

Lord High quality Safe

The dignified face of a lord

A Hina doll of a gentle-looking prince

The face of the prince's Hina doll

Hina dolls: Outstanding kimono

Kaori Hina Dolls | High-quality tailoring and embroidery | Hina dolls | Hina decorations [Kaori Hina Dolls]

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

A cute round snow lantern for Hina dolls

26 Hina Doll Snow Cave

Let's light the lantern.

Battery-operated snow cave for Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

A shiny doll

A tool with a beautiful glossy cloth

Hina dolls with lacquer finish

Beautiful finish even in the smallest details

Stylish Hina doll accessories

Although it is simple, there is a commitment to its construction.

Hina doll crepe craft

Flowers in gentle colors made with crepe paper

Stylish Hina Doll Flowers

Inspired by Kyoto gardens

Cute flowers for Hina dolls

Kaori Hina Dolls | High-quality tailoring and embroidery | Hina dolls | Hina decorations [Kaori Hina Dolls]

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