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Zoom 小さくて収納できる雛人形
Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
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Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
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Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
Zoom ゆず雛|46cm|小さな5人飾り|手間暇かけた今どきの雛人形|美々しいお顔のお雛様|かわいい雛飾り|コンパクトでおしゃれ|丸いお顔|収納飾り Product vendor
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Yuzu dolls | 46cm | Small 5-person doll | Modern, time-consuming, beautiful, round faces | Storage dolls | Five-person doll | Modern, stylish hina dolls | Cute, compact hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls



● A cute little 5-person decoration with three gorgeous ladies-in-waiting. The gorgeous glow of the cherry blossoms creates a beautiful and elegant space.

飾ったサイズ:Width 46cm x Depth 35cm x Height 36cm

収納時のサイズ:Width 52cm x Depth 42cm x Height 24cm




着物の素材     : chemical fiber 

雛人形の「仕立て」:this tailoring
🔰 値段の差分 🔰 仕立ての違い

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A small five-person doll set that took a lot of time and effort to create. Beautiful dolls with beautiful faces. Hinamatsuri decoration [Yuzu Hina]

Yuzu Hina dolls are modern Hina dolls that are cute and time-consuming, featuring a sophisticated design. The small five-person Yuzu Hina dolls are carefully crafted and have a mysterious atmosphere with attention to detail. In addition to the expressiveness of the dolls, they also have artistic beauty. You can also enjoy the elegant atmosphere of high-end Hina dolls.

The five dolls in the Yuzu doll display are in a unified style and look great in a modern, stylish space. The small five-figure display, complete with three gorgeous ladies-in-waiting with beautiful expressions, is a warm and inviting display.

The traditional colored kimono is embroidered with gold. The motif of cherry blossoms, which has been loved since ancient times in Japan, is sewn in gorgeous colors. This embroidery is not only attractive for its design, but also for the luster of the thread itself. The fine texture and vividness will add a soft and lovely touch to any space.

The prince wears a dark blue kimono that makes the ground pattern stand out. The kimono is embroidered with the same cherry blossoms as the princess, making it even more luxurious. The gorgeous cherry blossoms shining on the dolls create a beautiful and elegant space. This stylish kimono expresses the prince's youthfulness and strength.

Yuzu dolls | 46cm | Small 5-person doll | Modern, time-consuming, beautiful, round faces | Storage dolls | Five-person doll | Modern, stylish hina dolls | Cute, compact hina dolls | Hina dolls | Hina dolls

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A small five-person doll set that took a lot of time and effort to create. Beautiful faces [Yuzu Hina] Dolls for Hinamatsuri

The cherry blossom motif, beloved since ancient times in Japan, is embroidered in gorgeous colors. The radiance of the cherry blossoms lingers beautifully in an elegant space.

Doll size: Width 13cm x Depth 12cm x Height 11cm

Doll size

You can also purchase it on Rakuten Market and Yahoo! Shopping.


A small five-person doll set that took a lot of time and effort to create. Beautiful dolls with beautiful faces. Hinamatsuri decoration [Yuzu Hina]

Small 5-person ornament
Beautiful Hina Dolls
The time-consuming and laborious Hina dolls
Hina Doll Kimono
A beautiful lord
Hina Dolls
Cute round face princess

Snow Cave for Hina Dolls

Hina Dolls Cute Snow Cave

Snow cave of Hina dolls

Switch it on and off, the light comes on

A shiny doll

This is a traditional lacquering technique, so the gloss is different.

Hina doll cherry blossom tangerine cute flower

Cute cherry blossom tangerine

Cute flowers on Hina dolls

Small and cute flower

Top > List of Hina Dolls





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美しさ 花嫁のように・・・

お値段の違い = 「仕立て」の違い 

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最大7%off 割引き クーポン発行中

毎月 先着150名様 限定




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